Established in 2002, The Raul & Hortensia Tijerina Foundation is a private foundation governed by a five member Board of Directors that provides grant funding for IRS §501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and educational scholarships for high school graduates in Cameron, Hidalgo, Willacy and Starr counties, Texas.
After a successful career as a rancher, banker, businessman and community leader, Raul Tijerina Jr. directed his estate to set aside an endowment for public causes and services, and for the enrichment of life in the Rio Grande Valley. It was his dream that this gift would support and encourage volunteerism and public organizations who unselfishly devote their knowledge, skills, time and energy in service to their neighbors.
His wife, Hortensia C. Tijerina, fulfilled her husband’s dream by establishing the Foundation in his memory to encourage the good works he had envisioned.
Because of Mr. & Mrs. Tijerina’s vision and generosity, the Foundation’s original endowment has grown to more than $12,000,000 and generated more than $6,000,000 in grants and scholarships.